Random College Football: Volume One
Let's get weird.

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I'm a big fan of John Cena's Instagram, because all he does is post images without any context. It's a fun way to get people talking, and it sometimes hints at what he might be doing next. I'm obviously not John Cena, but I've scoured through thousands of college football games over the years, and I've been unhealthily on the internet since about 2004. In that time, I've found some pretty wild/weird/hilarious/disturbing/entertaining stuff relating to college football.
That content usually just gets posted on my Twitter, but now that I've got this site rolling pretty good –and we're about to hit the offseason– I figured I might as well dump all of it into a recurring piece here. Most of this content is screenshots from broadcasts, but there'll also be videos and gifs here and there, plus the occasional video I have in the vault of me playing NCAA 2007 either with friends or by myself. I don't know if it'll be fun, but it sure as hell will be weird. Welcome to Random College Football: Volume 1.
Random College Football: Volume 1